Monday, April 8, 2013

Me, receiving a heartfelt compliment

"haha, thank you. I'm really bad at this but thanks, it means a lot.."*

*you know what, you actually made my day. I woke up searching for my coffee mug which I couldn't fine anywhere even though I live alone in a room, I mean where can it possibly be?I don't believe in ghosts. I smiled at the guy in the lift and he went all grumpy on me. People get on my nerves sometimes. Like that guy I crossed while jogging with a Marlboro T-shirt on. He's probably going all animal rights but switches TV channels when it's the news about other humans across the globe. Ugly schizophrenic world. Then later today, I read an online article about the doubts in the existence of God so I thought to myself while studying physics, which I'm failing tomorrow by the way, how every action has equal and opposite reaction, how energy can't be created or destroyed, and  how your life can never be equal to a war soldier, an orphan, a serial killer or my friend who recently died young in a car accident. There has to be an afterlife for the equation to balance, a creator, a doer, which brings us back to my coffee mug that I found sitting in the most obvious place when I got home today. How can we not see things that are right in front of our eyes the whole time? Anyway, I had a long bad day and you made it up for me. Thank you.

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