Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flat words

The cruelty of a lion's incisors tearing a deer's flesh as it closes its eyes forever just after a free tear escapes in a harshly beautiful Africa where women dance and men beat big drums and children die of hunger.

The surreal hazy world in the eyes of lovers as they wander the streets oblivious of anything but each other with bare feet and young white graceful limbs moving eagerly and happily, licking ice cream and tilting their heads backwards to laugh.

The waves crashing on a rock and splashing proudly in all the directions as small droplets before falling into the big mysterious sea, losing their identity and becoming a part of the whole again.

The beauty of a beautiful girl who doesn't know it with her messy hair and a-little-to-the-left ponytail and layer of fat around her precious body and her fresh face and her playful dress hem that dances with the wind showing her slightly thick bluish-white thighs.

The tight grip of a baby's tiny fingers on his mother's clothes.

The planets revolving repeatedly and hopelessly around the sun while the long dead stars still sparkle in the pitch dark sky.

The sincerity in a dog's eyes and the way it stretches its neck when its owner pets it.

The temporarily freedom the skater boy feels with the air slapping him in the face while he fights the urge to scream his heart out till he loses his voice.

The sick smile of a famous politician on a worn out poster hung on a wall that is the shelter of a crying child from the bombs and the guns and the tanks and his father's killers.

The confusion of a troubled guy after observing a small white plastic bag twirling freely in the wind until his eyes tear up.

The drugs and the children and the blood and the slanted-eyed people and the animals living in packs and the coffee aroma and the books held and read by many and the cancer and the bicycles and the wars and the ice creams and the anger and the bathing suits and the broken hearts and the shattered glass and the juicy burgers and the gloomy sky and the inhumane governments and the florescent lights and the galaxies and the loners, I miss you.