Friday, November 9, 2012


لا أريد سماع شرحك المتناهي ولكني أخشي الندم فيما بعد إذا إفتقدتك للجنة أن يمُر يوم أتمني فيه سماع صوتك الذي يزعج أفكاري الآن و أفتقد نَفَسَك المُعبَئ برائحة السجائر القبيحة, لذلك أستمع ولا أنصِت فسامحني كما سامحتك علي تقييد يداي ولو إني أعرف أن الحياة ستثبت صواب وجهة نظرك يا أبي. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Heart is wrapped in a plastic bag. Beautiful eyes. I like you. I push that strand of hair away to see you properly while hoping I look good pushing it away. I don't like your shoes but I like the way you walk. I like your eyes but I don't like your vision. I'm thinking you'll hurt me one day or another, one way or another. You'll prove me right. I want you to come with me watch the fireworks on the sea front but then what good will I get when I run away later on. I'll run away for certain, I know myself. The way you were brought up doesn't match my upbringing. It's romantic to think we can face this together but we won't. I didn't see enough successful love stories to have hope. I don't wanna have hope and then hurt myself. It's always easier to run. Tell me what music do you listen to? See? We don't suit each other. How stupid is it to judge a person on their music taste? I don't like when you agree with me because I don't agree with myself for the most part. How do I tell you I like you but I want nothing out of this? I don't. And I won't. Heart is wrapped in a plastic bag.